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Bringing glory to God by helping unchurched people become fully devoted followers of Christ

From the Word

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He did not weaken in faith when he considered his own body, which was as good as dead (since he was about a hundred years old), or when he considered the barrenness of Sarah’s womb.  No unbelief made him waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God, fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised.

– Romans 4:19-21

Child of God, Abraham’s faith increased during a time of trial, not because he ignored his circumstances, but precisely because he considered them.  Abraham’s faith increased as he considered the absurdity of his circumstances.  Upon looking and thinking on the circumstances of his life, Abraham became fully convinced that God was able to do what he promised and gave him glory, because only God could do it.  It gives God more glory, not less, to think on, ponder, work through, calculate, and consider your circumstances concluding that God and God alone must act to accomplish what has been promised.  “Forget about it”, “Don’t worry about it”,and “Just meditate on God” are all horrible pieces of advice when coming to a crisis in your faith.  God wants us, like Abraham, to consider all the ways God is going to have to overcome.  God wants us, like Abraham, to consider all the ways God is going to have surprise.  God wants us, like Abraham, to consider our own weakness.  God wants us, like Abraham, to place our faith, our hopes, our future, in the God who works miracles, gives babies to old people, raises the dead, and grants righteousness to sinners by faith.  As you go today, take time to consider all the ways it will be impossible to do the things you are called to do, and then give glory to God as you step out in faith trusting Him to do them all.

Unbeliever, you must move beyond focusing on your circumstances.   You must move beyond the short-sightedness of placing your hope in the things you can see.  Focusing on the things of this world and resting in your ability, wisdom, and strength to accomplish them is what is keeping you from God.  The things you can see are only given to you to point you to the things you can’t see.  The temporary is given to point you to the eternal.  Place your hope in what is unseen and eternal.  Place your faith in the One who makes and keeps promises.    Confess your inability to accomplish what God requires and treasure the incredible truth that Christ has already accomplished it all for you.  Christ has promised that all who come to him by faith will be forgiven.

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